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Will you join me?

I watch as the knife dives straight through the chest of the one I love as he falls to the grass, I watch as the green grass turns to a red mess. The man lifts his sword above his head. I run over and stab my sword through the man's heart and push him to the ground away from my love.

I kneel next to him. The world slows down as I put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding. Anything to get him to live for a few more moments. The smell of blood hits my senses and my hunger thickens.

"Don't let my blood be wasted"

"I can't let you die"

"Let me go"

He grabs my hand and places it on his heart. The beat weakens as time goes on. The faint beat goes up my arm and reaches my stomach and growls and the thought of the blood running down my throat the warm liquid.

I watch as the blood slowly drains from his face,, his oxygen leaving his lungs for the last time, and his heartbeat slowing down each second we don't do something.

"Look, I can't live without you, please let me just save you then we can live forever"

I pick him up and carry him to his bed and place him down gently on the pillow. I grab a patch from the nearby hospital and try to patch the wound, the blood seeps out.

"It's okay, just let me go"

"I can't let you die"

"It's my time"

He snaps the wooden bedpost and hands it to me.

"What this is for."

"Will you join me?"

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