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Chilling Details of The Ice Cold Killer

I stand over the body as the sun rises behind of the London Eye. I watch the blood drain from the man's body and walk away, Nobody comes this path apart from you in about 3 hours, I did this for you. Merry Christmas.

I wake up to the siren at exactly 7.03 which is just as he will stalk you through the park. See all of this was for you, for you to feel safe, for you to go in that park without having a feeling like that creep is behind you. I get dressed and head to the park where I can see you in your running outfit pacing and biting your nails, This should have stopped you from biting your nails. The cop lets me through,I jog to the edge of the bridge. you run into my arms , and you do that without a stable hint. You feel safe with me and that's all I want for you to be and feel safe.

The policewoman clicking her pen stands face to face with us.

"Have you found any clues yet?

"There is no weapon"

Perfect i'm in the clear

"But there was damp on his clothes"

No no they can't figure it out!

"There is no DNA"

I'm in the clear, you and me can live together start a family, and not have to worry about any stalkers.The police woman walks away

"Can you stay with me?"

Your eyes scream for help and I can give you the security you need me. You take my hand as we leave the weaponless crime scene. you pulls me closer as a car drives by , don't worry I hurt anyone that hurts you.

You laid on my sofa cuddled into a blanket ,your dreamy eyes have drifted off to sleep , I sit down next to you as you sleep , I head out and lock the door no one is getting in or out not even Santa clause.

I jog to the shop through the melting slush just in time to see the shutters go down, My fists slam against the metal. How can I get your favourite food now , your scared and you can't have your favourite food all because I didn't plan this right. I grab your house keys and set off.

Your cupboard are full I grab the ingredients and lock the door I jog down the street and a police car stands between me and you. The police walk over to me I can see your face.

"Can you unlock the door?"

I nod and unlock the door , Do they know? They walk straight past me to you , they are putting handcuffs on you. You look at me but I can't move. How do I solve this? I did this for you to be free and now your stuck in handcuffs.

"You got the stuff for my favorite food?"

Your escorted out to the police car just as a radio starts to talk about a new suspect , they unhandcuff you and race down the path , you take my hand and we head inside leaving all the drama outside , leaving a little evidence of your best friend kinda helps.

Wishing you a Happy Holidays.

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