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Who Is Stacy's (brother)?

Updated: Jun 25, 2023

"Nick, where were you?"

"Sorry guys, I've been hanging out with Stacy,"

"Which Stacy?"

"She's a part of the cheer team."

"I'm still not sure, we have 3 Stacy's in this school, all are in the cheer team."

"You and whichever Stacy is perfect."

"Top of her class"

"And She's prom queen?"

"Stacy Moonston."

Mack leaves me. I quickly grab my shorts and change into my PE t-shirt to find myself millimeters away from a boy.



Oh My, James Moonston , I lose my cool when he's around , he is the coolest guy in school everyone loves him. He jogs away. I follow him and reach the coach as the group disburses.

"Jogging the track boys!" boomed the coach's voice. A blonde hair strand flips into my hair.


"Nick, can you help me study science tonight?"


She leans in as I slow down my pace.

"And maybe stay the night."

She runs over to her cheer team as I jog around, looking from James to Stacy.

"How do I find the words to tell her?"

"Tell her what Nick?"

"Did I just say that aloud?"

He nods. I let my lungs exhale.

"I know nothing about chemistry."

"Well she unbuttons her blouse , that's how I know" he says, point to another girl on the cheer team"

"I hope Stacy doesn't do that."

"Really Nick?"

"I really need to pass science to get into Leeds Beckett University and I need science."

"Nick your telling me you don't want to study her body?"

"No thanks."

"Nick baby can I talk to you."

"The girlfriend wants you."

I walk over to the cheerleaders.

"Since everybody thinks we're dating, can you just ask me out?"

"I thought we were?"

"You have never said the words"

I take a breath.

"Will you date me?"

"I'll see you tonight"

The whistle blows and we all head inside to the changing rooms. I shove my uniform on and head to the toilet. Where all the team cheers.

"You might hit third base tonight, mate!"

"I have been practicing baseball."

"The whole school thinks we're gonna hit first base and be out."

"Our team isn't that bad."

"Nick, you haven't been at the practice since Stacy,"

"I'm sorry, but I will be there tonight, 2 hours studying with Stacy, then I will be here."

"You better, otherwise the coach might kick you off."

We drive through the streets. I watch as the baseball all make out with themselves as we drive past. She pulls up at the house and opens my door. We head to we perfectly made her bedroom and her bed with Biology books spread out, A revision, plan.

"When we study chemistry, can we focus on chemical reactions?"

"Of course"

She is going to agree to anything I need to study cause she wants me to get an A so we can both be at Leeds Beckett, and our relationship can carry on.But I got a secret I must admit , she's not the reason I've been thinking about love. Stop letting your mind wonder we are here to study.

I head to the bathroom and change into my baseball kit She passes me 3 books as I leave out the door and told me to "study for biology"

I nod and walk to school , I throw my bag into the changing room and head to the pitch where all the team was standing in a huddle I squash my way in. I am on bating first , I see Stacy cheering me on and I don't know if this is just a crush that appeared last summer but i don't want to pretend we are the perfect couple anymore.

The game ends. We manage to despite all the discouragement from our own school. I run up to James, but I swerve toward Stacy.

"Can you come over tonight?"

"I'll see what I can do."

I wave her goodbye and go take a shower, grab the clothes from my bag, and head on a late-night walk.

"Are you coming back to mine, Nick?"

"No, I'm gonna stay the night at Stacy's"

The car lights vanish into the distance as the night goes on till I reach Stacy's and look into the window and see James reading a book. Don't know why my heart's been racing. Stacy runs out the door and flings her arms around me.

"Come on, me and James is about to watch a film in our pjs you should totes join us."

"But I don't have any pajamas?"

"Uses James."

She half drags me inside and places me on the sofa. She heads to the kitchen. James comes out of his room reading his book.



Some pajamas land on me.

"Use my room to change."


I jump up and head to his room which has been the same for years, I close the curtain and change, They fit just right to my body. I shove my clothes into my bag and head out to see popcorn, cola , sweets, and anything else you could possible want for a movie night. Stacy isn't on the sofa, grabbing a handful of popcorn, I fall onto the sofa.

"Press play. I'll be down in a second."

James presses play as Stacy comes down in shorts and a tank top , she laughs at tv and sits on my lap.

"Baby what do you think?"

I hate it but I don't want to seem rude.

"You look cute."


"How do I find the words to tell her?"

"Tell me what?"

"I like it"

She goes onto her own part of the sofa. Stacy falls asleep on the arm.

"I want to kiss you, Nico"

He pulls me towards his room.

"Nico, I need to tell you something."

"Every weekend when we hang out, I've fallen more and more."

"Well, she has a cheer meet next weekend"

"What are you saying?"

"But I got a secret I must confess, I want to be best friends and maybe more."

The weekend ends and I head home for my Monday of rest where my big brother Ren is waiting at the door.

"Where have you been I come home to surprise you and you're not here?"

"Every weekend I'm sneaking out to Stacy's."

"You sneaking out was never heard of a year ago?"

"It's cause I spend my weekends hanging at her house since you left."

"I know it's not her laugh or the way she'd dress so what do you like about her?"

"I'm in love with Stacy's brother."


Friday comes and I'm face to face with Stacy. Her earthly eyes drill into me.

"Stacy here's the truth , I think I love someone else."

"Well you're not the only one on my mind have you seen Tom Holland recently."

"I don't mean like that."

"I'll see you when I get back"

She climbs onto the bus and drives away.I head out an arm pulls me in and it's not her lips. I pull in closer and then I pull away and see his face. The way that I've behaved is a crime.I head to our baseball pitch and jog to clear my mind. I jog down the street and climb through the window of her house. James' eyes draw me in. He kisses my neck again and again. I lift his shirt off. He pulls me into his arms and we sit on his bed. Watching the stars through the window.

The morning comes too early, and it's game day. That means two things she's coming back from her cheer meet and I just hooked up with Stacy's brother. I head down the street and meet Stacy off the bus.

"Oh Stacy, I gotta tell ya something."

"I need to get ready, so after the game."

I head to the changing room. Where my teammate stands and looks at me.

"We walked past last night and we saw you and Stacy undressing. " They all make out with themselves

"And the truth is it ain't Stacy I undressed, so I'm off to change"

I take my shirt off"

"Wow Nick she goes at your neck"

"She's not the reason for the bruises round my neck"


stood at the entrance is Stacy and James.

"Stacy, I'm in love with your big brother"


I lean in and kiss him.

Copyrights of song belongs to Mad Tsai

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