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Vampire By Rumour

"Have you heard?"

"Have YOU heard?"

"What about Kate?"

"Yer I can't believe it,"

"A vampire," they say in unison as they type into their phones. The bell rings and they run to their lockers. Kate walks hand in hand with her boyfriend Alec. They walk through the people's eyes, drilling into them. The school newspaper writer runs up with a notebook.

"How is it Alec dating the undead?"

"How about you mind your own business and get a life?"

"Everyone knows,"

"Knows what?"

"Kate is a vampire."

"Where is your source?"

The girl takes her phone out and shows a video of Kate jumping onto a wall with a cape.

"Kate knows parkour,"

"Well, it's dark, and she flies,"

"You know what I am right here and you can believe what you want but if you had any idea who I was before this video you would know!"

"ooo the vampire has a temper. " The sports team laughs trips and one of them catches their skin on the locker, causing the blood to flow. Everyone watches Kate, who doesn't respond till Alec pulls her into a nearby classroom and shuts all the blinds, and locks the door. Alec's eyes sink. Kate rolls her sleeve up where she has already a vampire fang bite.

"I'm sorry Kate"

Alec bites down on her arm and regains his normal hazel eyes. He stops and kisses her lips and wipes the blood from her lips.

"So the rumor is so wrong."

Standing at the desk was Miss Maxton she looks at the both of them, blood flowing from Kate's arm and Alec's fangs fading away from his mouth.

"Don't worry, your secrets are safe with me"

She clicks her fingers, and the blood stops, she clicks again and all the blinds and door open.

"Take a seat. Today class, we will learn about witches and I don't want any rumors starting this week." She winks at Alec and Kate as she turns to write on the blackboard.

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