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Truth Or Dare

The police sirens draw closer and closer, as we sit in a circle wondering what the hell just happened. The police walk through the wide open door and look around at the 5 students standing around the dead body in the middle of the floor Tristen Darton motionless, breathless, and soulless.

The police tape off the door.

"You are all over the age of 16"

They all nod in response,

"Please give your names to the officer with the notepad and we will question each and every one of you nobody leaves until everyone is questioned"

The officer sets up in the dining room. A girl walks in with bright red puffy eyes. The police officer gestures to the chair, the girl sits down

"Name and relationship with the deceased?"

"Delia and he is , was my brother"

"Any reasons anyone would kill him"

She shakes her head, She ends the recording and sends for the next student.

"Poppy and he was my neighbor, everyone loved him but he did seem off the way was into the game"

"Peter and he is my bro, He seemed off tonight like someone was telling him what to do"

"Monty and well he was my boyfriend, but he didn't want anything to do with me tonight"

"Sophia, He is the lead singer in our band and well he played the game as if his life depended on it and the truth was that it did."

"Please tell me more Sophia?"

She passes a piece of paper over to the officer

To Danny If you don't do what I say tonight you will meet your end in a painful poisoning way From your worst nightmare xx

"Sophia can you please explain the game"

"Truth or Dare, we took it in turn about half an hour in, someone asked him to kiss the one he loved most, and well he erm"


She nods into her hair.

"Who did he kiss"


"Who asked the question?"


"Do you and Poppy have any connection?"

"She's my housemate?"

"Well thank you Sophia you may go back"

The police officer makes some notes and heads to her classmates who had looked through the group's phones they all watch full of worry. She takes the handcuffs out of her belt. She heads towards Monty and handcuffs him. The students all stare at him.

"What are you doing?"

"You are under arrest for murder?"


"Poppy loved Monty and wanted him to love her back, he asked if she wanted to hang out last night, and whilst she went to the loo he put poison onto Sophia and Poppy's lipstick knowing that if Danny didn't want to come out he'd kiss one of you too"

"You used me" Shrieked Poppy

Sophia grabs a tissue and rubs the lipstick off her lips and throws it into Monty's face, she storms out closely followed by Poppy the rest of the room stands stunned.

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