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The Last Hours Of Summer

I watch as the sea comes in and out; Summer's end is drawing near just a few more hours. We watch as the sun sets beyond the ocean's horizon. It's back to the hard work of serving the worst customers in the world. Sat here makes all the worries go away. She softly strokes my hand. I look into her blue eyes. The sea glows within them. I take a memory photo to remember this moment.

A droplet hits my hand. I look at the sky which is crying with tears, Her hands go ice cold, and she falls onto my shoulder. I hear shouting; I blink and she is gone. Something shakes me awake and pulls my hand away from hers. I feel the sweat stick my clothes to my body.

The nurses gather around Summer; she is wearing an oxygen mask but her levels won't rise; I look around the room and find a clock it hits the 23rd of September Summer's body goes blank not a single beat or movement the doctors and nurses try everything a hand grabs me and pulls me out of the room; I watch as the doctors and nurse do their job.

They all stand back and cover her face with the cover. The girl I love is dead, and I spent the last hour of Summer on her favorite beach watching as the waves crashed out into the ocean. I will never forget you, Summer. Sitting on that beach will be engraved on my heart till the day I head to the grave next to you.

I leg it to my car and climb in , I slam my hands on the wheel and let the tears pour out of my eyes , I let the rain hide me from the outside world a world without Summer.

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