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learning to write

Wylan stands at the front of the class hand shaking on the chalk board as the teacher watching his every move.

"Spell said"

I watch as he starts to scratch the S and then the e and then the d.

Wylan turned and saw the teacher's face, the teacher lifted his cane and clicks, Wylan passed the chalk and starts to walk back to his seat next to me when the teacher boomed.

"Get back here Mr Hendricks" His face turns pale and he walks back to the front of the class.

"Hands out palms up"

He did and crack went the cane.

"Go sit down"

His friends all rub his back and he takes a seat the teacher rubs the board and Wylan sits there and starts to draw musical notes.

The teacher finally dismisses us and I stand on the other side of the corridor waiting for him to finish talking to his friends, He starts walking in my direction.

"Your Wylan?" "Your Jesper"

I hold my hand out and then withdraw he kinda smiles and laughs.

"It's okay to have dyslexia you know, it just means you're better at" I ponder"Music"


"Meet me at my dorm after next period"


"Bring money"

I need some for gambling

I get back to my room grab the two desks and push them together Kaz walks in

"Do you mind staying out I have a friend coming over?"

"You have a friend, yeah whatever I need practice some card tricks" He leaves as I place out 2 quills and ink and some parchment on each one, do I get water or is that too much? Just then the door knocks, I open it to see Wylan he gives a nervous wave and I invite him to sit down, the red mark on his hand has faded he places his bag on my bed and then the notebook on the desk he sits down and looks at the blank paper.

"Draw me a music note"

He starts to cover the page dipping his pen and letting it flow once the page has what looks like a song on he looks at me. I grab him a new parchment and start to write on my own My name is

His face is full of confusion so I repeat My name is,

"Do you mind if we share a desk this wood is blocking?"

"Of course not."

I move my chair, paper , ink and quill to one side as he shuffles next to me with his I wait till he has settled and write My name is Wylan. I place my paper under his as he starts to slowly trace it once done.

"My name is Wylan"

I start a new line and ink out I can write and play music, He starts to trance but his hand slips and he is confused, I write it on a new piece of paper and I start to write at the same time his pinky nudges my thumb, a rush of heat goes through my body. He turns to look at me and I quickly look down and see perfectly written I can write and play music which is harb, I smile and he smiles back his eyes filling the room with hope, He jumps up and rummages in his bag to pull out his small string bag.

"How much?"


"Are you sure?"

I nod as he hands me 10 over and I slip it in my pocket.

"Tomorrow same time"

He nods as he leaves I tidy up the table and cover the inks, I notice his notebook lying there , I pick it up and open it but close it again and leave it on the desk, I push the desks apart and set the room back to normal.

The next day goes very boring till the door knocks and in comes Wylan he hands me a piece of paper that reads I have learnt more trying to read your notes. He hands my English book back. He looks around and I grab it from the desk but he places it back and sits on the chair. He scoots closer till the chair legs are touching, he turns to me after finishing the sentence the silence in his eyes spins telling me all I need to know. I lean in and kiss him, he puts his hand on my cheek pulling me closer.

We pull apart he grabs his string bag and hands me a piece of paper with the 10 he grabs his notebook and leaves. I open the piece of paper 143 underneath is I love you.

"I'm going to the pub to gamble."

I chase after Wylan and pat him on the shoulder. He turns and pulls me in for a hug.

"Thank you"

I look at his eyes , I look around and kiss him again.

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