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Popcorn Girl

I head to google whilst my friends sit and watch me , I head to the cinema site and scroll to the midnight screening of Danger , the loading screen spins and spins some more till it pops up with the seating plan , auto-selected are the 4 middle seats on the balcony , the torches hit my eyes as I hit apple pay and the confirmation emails bing away.

I put my phone away and the dare was complete. The boys cheered and then I knew I had got them.

"So who is taking the other 3 seats"

the silence was deafening with fear. None of them had thought that through. The youngest stood up and pretended to look at the time.

"My mum is here to pick me up."

He leaves leaving 4 of us.

"Perfect" I clap my hands as the other boys eye's fill with regret. I stand up and head downstairs I wave out the door grab a bowl of crisps and kiss my mum's head.

"We are going to the cinema tonight."

"That will be nice, just be careful of Mr Sander"

"Always mum"

We snack on the crisps till the clock hits 11.30.

"Let's go"

I walk down the stairs and head to my car, I wait for the other 3 the clamber in I watch as they all nervously fiddle with their hands, picking their nails.

I drive down the quick roads, not a single car in site, just me and the twisting roads of a small town. I reach the deserted car park , park bang in the middle and climb out followed by 3 now cowardly boys. I open the door and Mr Sander appears ,

"I see you booked 4 tickets upstairs"

I nod my most confident nod.

"head on up, you paid for a drink and popcorn so grab that and enjoy the show"

I grab a drink for the concession stand and head upstairs. once we are all sat and Mike the jock of the group turns to us all.

"Mr Sanders felt very animated today?"

"That's Mr Sanders he loves being in a theme park"

I look over the bannister and see a single girl all alone. Peter nudges he throws a piece of popcorn it hits her in the back of the head she turns and I yell.

"Sorry, my friend a jerk."

She jump back to the screen Peter leaves I thin to join her. The lights go off and the screen lights up, I feel Mike's finger tracing my shoulder trying to scare me. I take a bite of my popcorn. Something wet hits my hand, I take a sip of my drink the condensation wetting my hand, I take another bite but something drips I look at my hand a dark spot where the wet lies, I wipe it onto my jeans and carry on watching the film. The screen goes black and all the lights come back on I look down and the popcorn is red, Mike faints and Dan looks at me with says I told you it was a bad idea, I look up and see two eyes looking down on us I blink and they have gone.

Mr Sander runs in and stands at the end of the aisle.

"You three need to follow me"

"What is happening Mr Sander" Dan asks

"You know the stories of this place"

"Of course" we all echo.

"Well tonight is the anniversary"

We all look at each other.

"Mr Sander how do we get out"

"Follow me"

I kick Mike awake and Mr Sander guides us to the back of the balcony and unlocks the door we file through and we see all the videos and projectors, he unlocks the next door as a cardboard cutout of James Bond holds his gun and points towards us, we push through the door as the gun goes off, Mr Sanders leads the way when Ryan grabs my arm and points at Mr Sanders leg where the trousers had ripped by the ankle, i shrug it away and carry on following then I see it, his leg is silver reflecting the light.We stand back and wait.

"Mr Sander,"

The other two nudge me to stop, he twists his head a full 180 followed with his body.


"What happened to Peter"

"Oh he escaped"

"Escaped what"

"The fate you about to receive"

We all nod and run back, we try the projector room door but it's locked, we look at the window where cardboard James Bond stares at us and shoots, the glass shatters all over the floor. Dan jumps through the window shoves his hoodie off and wraps it around the gun on James, I jump next and then Ryan just before Mr Sander reaches the door. I slump across the door.

"We need to split up"

We nod, Ryan heads out the door onto the balcony, Dan looks at me and I pull him in for a kiss his sweat dripping into my mouth. I nod and he leaves out the other door, holding my hand as he slowly leaves. I hide behind the door and let it fling open, Mr Sanders hobbles in unties James and I run run up the passage once again left and right and see an exit sign. A scream erupts Peter's, I look at the exit and the way of the scream, I head towards the exit and go to grab the door but it is locked, I turn to see Mr sander looking at me I jump over the props and grab what I can only assume is Captain Jack Sparrows and run, I am on safe path and just run, I don't know which direction I am facing. I see a door and it's open I run through and take the steps down, I open to find the foyer.

I see Peter with the girl holding an Indiana Jones whip he sees me and shakes his head the girl is laughing at him and holds his wrists to the ground i take the opportunity to jump on her.

"Hello, we have a new toy to play with."

A hand grabs me a pins me against the wall,

"Your Mary"

She looks at me.

"You the girl that was thrown of the balcony and popcorn thrown at you, who died from infection from the melted butter in the cuts."

"And how do you think it feels being called popcorn girl"

"You was never popcorn girl to us we always said Mary, you were the one that made us come here"

"But he, he threw popcorn at me."

"He is very sorry" Peter screeched

I look at her and notice how she shakes.

"You don't want to do this do you?"

She shakes her head. The hand lets go of me as I fall to the floor. I crawl up to her and take her freezing hands.

"Who makes you do this."

She points behind me and it's too late I turn to see Mr Sander holding a wand, Mary pushes me out of the way the light shoots her. I kick and trip his, and he face-plants the floor I help Peter up and kick down the front door, I push him out, I head back in and he grabs my arm, I shake my head.

He nods and takes out his phone. I run back and see Mary fighting Mr Sanders.

"They are on the balcony," Mary calls.

I run up the stairs and try the door but it's locked I kick and kick but no movement, I race back down I see the wand and grab it, I race back upstairs and with a wave of the want the doors fly open, Mike comes for an attack I dodge as he flies into the wall, Dan stares at me and runs for a hug me and sighs, Ryan comes next out of breathe. I take his hand and we head down the stairs I push them both out the door, and Dan holds on a little tighter. I manage to escape his grasp as Ryan and Dan hold him back and turn and grab the fire extinguisher I pull all of my strength and hit Mr sander in the back He curls over and Mary looks at me.

"How can you be free Mary."

"Let me watch the whole of Cinderella"

I nod she heads into the screen and I head to the projector when I open the door a gun hits my shoulder, James bond stands there I kick the cardboard back and snap and bend in half. I grab the hoodie and tie it around the bleed seeping from my shoulder, I pick up James and shove him into the passage as I hunt for any Cinderella, I finally find the live action and shove it on, I jog downstairs and make some popcorn, sweets and a drink, I head into the screen and pass them to Mary.

"She smiles as she whisps away into the screen.

I head outside as the police start to arrive. I feel Dan's arms and the world passes away.

I open my eyes to the white room my mum holding my hand.

"A cinema trip?"

I see Dan smirking.

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