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Scars Of A Queen

The sword slices clean into the Queen's arm. Her sword drops onto the stone floor the knight places the sword against her neck and pushes her onto the ground. She quickly grabs her sword with her good arm and sends it clattering to the floor. The knight goes for his sword but the Queen is on him , she stabs him in the heart, and the blood drips off her sword.

She turns round to a sword in her face, they push her down onto her knees.

"Hello mother"


"How the roles have changed"

"David we can fix this"

"Mother they see me as a killer not a prince"

"Don't do this brother"

The sword's metal skims David's neck"

"Harry, stay out of it"

"No mother, he has to go"

The Queen stands up and looks at her two sons. The cuts that cover their bodies. The queen looks down as her own arm gushing red.

"Brother, fight with us?"

"Let the person see you're on our side"

"Harry, take our mother to the castle"

"No brother, Let's fight this as a family."

The queen rips her cape and pulls it around the cut. She stands in between her sons as they walk into battle for their family, for their kingdom.

The Queen loses more and more blood as the battle goes on , The knights team up against her and back her against the wall. Harry jumps down and fights the knights off , The queen loses focus. She falls down, and David runs over and fights through the knights to reach his mother. He picks her up and carries her to the castle.

He lays her onto the bed and runs through the castle, looking for the nurse. He finally finds her in the hall surrounded by the injured and dying.

"It's the Queen she's dying"

The nurse chases after Harry through the maze of the castle right to the Queen's deathbed. The nurse unties the cape and watches as the last bit of colour drains out of her , her heart stops and she is gone.

The nurse closes her eyes and leaves the room, David runs through the battlefield and finds Harry. They lock eyes and nod. They fight till the very end...

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