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Losing Is The Name Of The Game

I stare at all the clues laid out nothing connects, and the dots are not aligned. Who robbed the old lady next door and why.

5 suspects

Matt - Motive but has an alibi.

Lilo - Alibi but no motive.

Peter - Opportunity but no motive or alibi

Alex - Motive and Opportunity but has an alibi

Keith - Alibi and motive no opportunity

One of them has to be lying. I stand up and put my hand on the door when the door flies open.

"Tilly Marken you are under arrest for the robbery of Mrs. Allison Sinora, you have the right to remain silent anything you do say will be held against you in the court of law."

Peter puts the handcuffs on and guides me into the car, other police tape off my house. Peter climbs into the car.

"So tell me Mia how does it feel?"

"How does what feel?"


"It was you!"

"No evidence, no DNA, you are going away for this Mia"

"I have the evidence"

"Oh I have big plans for your house"

"What plans?"

"3 2 1"

The house goes up in flames Mia watches as all her photos fall onto the pavement, the police are running around trying to find the cause.

"Just to add to your evidence pile."

He rolls the window down and calls to his fellow officers.

"I'm going to book her at the station"

They all put their thumbs up. He drives around the streets and hits the police station, news reporters and cameras are all blocking the entrance to the police station. Peter pulls me out of the police car and pushes me into the crowd of reporters.

"Why act like a detective when you are the robber?"

"Why question other people when it was you?"

"Why did you do it"

"What made you do it"

The crowd starts to chant Mia as I am shoved through the door and into the police station he guides me to the cells and locks me in. I look around for any other police but luck wasn't on my side.

Peter comes back unlocks the cage and pushes me into the interrogation room and pats me down he takes my phone and pen then places them into a bag. He grabs some ink and dabs my fingers onto the piece of paper. He wipes it of with some wet wipes and basically throws me into a mugshot photo.

"Smile because you lost"

I hold the board up at him. and the camera flashes 3 times. My life flashes before my eyes. Then it hits me.


Opportunity when on public watch, no alibi because he was at work, and finally his motive. Mrs. Allison had left a large sum of money for Peter. It all fits why didn't I see it earlier?

I am too late.

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