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Killer Love (TW-SH)

My leg vibrates against the table leg. This girl improved my life but destroyed hers along the way. The police escort her in, Sofia's hands are handcuffed to the table, and leave, locking the door behind them.

"Hi Olivia"


"What are you doing here?"

"Why'd you kill them?"

"They hurt you."

"You don't know me,"

"But I heard the tears every night, I heard the screams of pain you cried, I heard the muted screams into the pillow, I saw the way you wore long sleeves on the hottest day in school, I saw the blood on your pencil case."

Silence filled the room.

"But why did you kill them?"

" Because they hurt you,"

"I hurt me, You going to kill me?"

"But they caused that pain,"

"But you weren't in the story,"


"Just tell me why Sofia"

"I love you,"

She tries to stand up but the chains bang her back on the table. I check the door and put my hands on hers.

"Thank you, but look at you now."

"This wasn't part of the plan."

"I know, grab my wrist," I whisper."

I sit on my chair and place my wrist where she can reach. She grabs my wrist and I get on the table. She pulls me into her lips. A police guard rushes and pulls me away from her and takes me out of the room I wink toward her.

She sits there stunned.

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