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I Love Him Too Much

I look at him standing there looking through the bookshelf; I head around and start to slowly walk around the bookshelves to surprise him, but a girl's arms edged towards his waist. I storm up and knock him against the shelves.


"Keep your hands away from him,"

"But he's so hot,"

"That does not give you the right to touch anyone,"

"I'm so sorry Mal,"

"It's not me you need to apologize,"

"I'm sorry Kaidan,"

I push her even harder against the bookshelf.

"Touch Him, and you'll learn exactly what's worse than death"

I let go of her and stand back. I gesture my head for her to go, and she runs out of the bookshop. Kaiden grabs my hand and pulls me in and kisses me.

"Stop it, you're ruining my reputation." I jokingly say.

He lets go. I push him gently against the bookshelf and kiss him.

"Thank you," he whispers when our lips weren't sewn together.

I feel a tap on my shoulder as I turn around to see a security guard.

"Well, if it isn't Mal Davidson,"

"Bob Francis"

"Do I need to tell you?"

"No, we are leaving?"

Kaiden takes my hand as we run out into the streets. We race past all the shops. Then I see his worried face. I stop and look at him.

"Put it on me,"

"You told me you would stop that?"

"She was about to touch you!?"

"You could have been arrested!"

"I'm sorry I am trying,"

"You don't need this barrier around me,"

"I'm scared if someone sees me being all kind then they will use it against me,"

We sit on the edge of the fountain. He wraps his arm around me and kisses my hand.

"And attacking someone doesn't make you look tough,"

A police siren comes down the street. Detective Emily and a girl bleeding get out of the car.

"I wonder what happened?"

"Well, whatever it was, it wasn't me."

I kiss him.


"Hello, officer?"

"Are you Mal Davidson?"

"Yes, officer,"

I stand up, and she takes her handcuffs and places them on my hands until Kaiden is up.

"What is going on?"

She beckons the girl over. Is this her? She nods shyly.

"She never did that!"

"Well, we are taking her to the station."

Kaiden grabs the girl by the collar.

"Tell the officer the truth. Tell her,"

"Kaiden stop."

A tear rolls down his cheek. All I want to do is hug him and protect him from this. This is because of my past. He shouldn't see this. Kaiden pulls the girl closes and whispers something. That I don't quite catch.

" I will...."

"I lied, please. She did nothing,"

"You know it is illegal to lie to a police officer?"

She nods her head, and Emily takes the cuffs off my hands as I wrap my arms around Kaiden and let him cry into my jacket.

"Well, enjoy your night,"

The police officer leaves the 3 of us looking at each other.

"I am sorry."


She leaves me and Kaiden with his teary eyes. He locks into my eyes and I know I can never be arrested.

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