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Hidden Bodies

I drop my suitcases at the bottom of the stairs, ready for a new chapter of my job and life. I take in the gorgeous 2-story house old wooden smell hovers in the air. Here I come from the city full of crimes to the country's coziness of calm, I burst open the empty fridge, and a honk comes from outside, the movers are here. I open the door just as they carry a 2-seater sofa into the door. I pass them a notepad page of where everything needs and should be placed. I leave them to it and head down the street I feel everyone eyes watching x-raying me for any weakness they can find, talking about me the new girl at number 6 "she is bound to be trouble they always are from the city".

"Hi I'm Max"

"Dani" As I carry on walking

"You just moved into number 6?"


"Well, it was nice to know you, Mia. " I turn around to face him, but he is gone.

I head back to the house very confused by Max's comment and disappearing act. The movers were just finishing the bed, I pay them and they leave me alone with cardboard boxes. I open the under-stairs cupboard and flick the light on and see a wedding dress bag, I unhook it and pull it out, it's a lot heavy than I originally thought, I place it in my new living room and hang my coat up and shoes underneath. I carry the clothes up to my new bedroom and shove them on the bed, I take a second to look out on the green fields and the dry stone walls.

I take framed photos and put them on the walls around the landing. Time for a cup of tea and sit down. I walk into the living room and see the dress bag. I place my tea on the coffee table. I unzip the bag and a mountain of tissue paper faces me, I move the tissue paper out of the way, and then an eye stares into my soul, I freeze the dead blue eyes stare at me.

"Hi Dani are you here"

I snap out of the staring contest and zip the bag shut Max is standing behind me.

"Let's see the dress then"

"No" My voice breaks on me

"Oh, why not"

No, because there is a corpse bride in there, I stand up and make a cup of tea, I hear a scream I run into the living room and see the full body of the corpse bride with a necklace on with TC. Max looks at me and back at the body, and then at me again. I open my mouth to speak, but only air leaves my mouth instead of words

"Mia" He looks at the ring on her finger and then at his hand.

Mia, oh fudgsicle of course he would see the body and of course, it is still in the house. Crime will never leave a city girl alone. Max has gotten his phone out and dialed 999, He grabs an empty box and places it over my head, and then grabs my coat belt to trap my hands together behind my back. I stand there taking it because how can I explain dead Mia? He leaves the room with his phone I try to undo the belt but I'm completely stuck. What if there are more hidden bodies in this house, I am done for I can see it now "New Girl Dani has serval missing people's bodies in her house, did she move just to escape her past crimes"

I waddle to the kitchen and open a drawer and pull some scissors and try to cut the belt or the box but failing, Max comes back into the room with his hands in the air.

"The police are on their way put the scissors down"

"I didn't do it"

"Prove it"

"You just have to trust me"


"I can't say"

He unties me as the comfort noise of a siren arrives. The police barge opens the door.

"Hand up"

Max drops the scissors inches from my toe and the box drops.

"Hands up"

I turn around and show the belt.

"Where's the body"

"To your left," we say in unison

"Well look at that if it isn't Mia, Rivera" One of them call

"Well Miss Dani Mira you are coming with us"

"But she didn't do it?"

"Mr. Max Mendes, Don't get involved"

"The body is too corpse-like for Dani to have done it"

"Well, I guess I will have to take you both down to the station"

He places a hand on my shoulder. I pull away

"Are you resisting arrest, Miss Dani Mira?"

"How do you know my last name"

"Well, erm,"

"You're not police,"

Max undoes the belt as the man is focused on me.

"You are Miss Mia's murderer"

"Dani, stop playing around"

I grab my ID out of my pocket and hand it to Max

Max stares wide-eyed blankly at me.

"Name" I glare at the fake police officer

"Tim Criston"

"Well, Tim Criston you are under arrest. Anything you say might and will be held against you in a court of law, you are under arrest for the murder of Mia and impersonating a police officer and the same will be for your friend"

I gesture to Max, who grabs the person with the body.

I take the handcuffs from his costumes and use them on him. I take my phone out of my pocket and text Chief Banton that I will search the house for more bodies, but I have the 2 culprits. I put a cardboard box around him and put him with his friend I hand Max a taser and head upstairs.

I head into the attic and place some gloves on I find a pile of boxes I open the "gels" and find cut-off legs, next I open "Shade" which is full of beheaded heads, now "Mars" which is full of arms and finally "techs" which are full of chests. I carry each box to the door and place them ready for the evidence team.

The real police force arrives and takes Mr. Criston and his friend to a holding cell to arrange a trial date for them both. Detective Banton shakes my hand and welcomes me to the team, they take Mia's body on a stretcher and into a real body bag when a note falls out Max picks it up whilst I make myself and him a cup of tea; we sit down on the sofa I hold my hand out to him.

"Hi I'm Sargent Dani Mira"

"Hi I'm still just Max Mendes"

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