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Prompt - Demons the Tyne

I sit and look at the blank screen of my phone again no text , no Snapchat no notification , I fall backwards onto my bed.

"Well there you go James proof no one likes you"

I grab my phone, power it off, shove it into the desk drawer, and sit looking at the park below children laughing on the swings and having fun. I can't remember when I was last happy without the voices dragging me down six feet under the ground. They talk until no happy feeling is left and I am alone, alone with my own failures, disappointments, and no one to talk to.

I can only mask it for longer. The energy it takes is dying inside of me. My friends are gone into the furthest part of this tunnel, my hobbies are non-existent and the only question I have is why me? why am I here? What is the reason?

I shove the blanket around my body trying to hide myself from the outside world but the voices won't let me forget.

"You are such a baby"

"No wonder no one likes you"

"Gosh you are so weak you can't even lift a table"


"Did you see his shoes today?"

I cover my ears and shut my eyes hoping the demons in my head stay quite. The energy leaves my body in the fight. I get up and run downstairs and head out, I walk out the door, I walk past the children laughing, I walk past school , I walk up the hill.


I scream into the evening air and fall down onto the grass , I watch as the sun sets behind the cloud and the town becomes quiet. I walk back but instead of heading home, I take a de tour and head toward the hospital.


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