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Angel Or Devil

1 demon stands on the left of the stage whilst an angel on the right. The hateful tension between them hovers around the whole room. 2 people are left to be chosen to join the angels or the demon. The lady takes the mic.

"Nellie Carter" her voice is a nervous laugh.

White flame comes down and burn all around her and she joins the angel's side, one more and I can take my place up with the gods. He stands and takes the mic.

"Peter Malkin" bit too full of himself

Orange horns appear on his head as he struts over and sits with the rest of them.I take my place on stage and take the mic

"Brendon Boyd"

I hear a few whispers in the crowd.

The wings burn an orange. Everyone stares at the wings of burning out of my back.They start to spread ash all around the stage. The floor opens beneath my feet and through the floor I go into a cold cobbled cage in the dungeons of hell. I land in an iron man stance. Hands try to grab me through the gates.I stand up and turn to face...

"Welcome Son"

The devil stands in front of me holding his hand out.

"I'm not your son, I did good up there"

"I'm afraid your transformation has already begun"

I look at my suit as it burns away from my skin and in it's place was a full black suit.I look the devil in the eyes

"Please let me go"

The devil walks out of the gate.

"See you soon son"

I stare after him , my back breaks I lean against the wall as two stone wings fly out of my shoulders blood drips down the suit. I look around and find a bone and throw it at the wings, but the bone bounces off and flies out of the cage.


The horn shoot out one by one from my head. I look around and plead at the gate.

"You have the wrong person I'm just Brendon"

"Well done Brendon welcome home"

The devil unlocks the gate and walks me to the throne room where a smaller skull and other body parts thrown is empty. He pushes me down and the bones grab my arms so I can't run. The devil takes a crown and places it on my head I feel the fingers claw into my skull.

The lava rivers , the black hound , the sins , the torture all hits me like a bus.I open my eyes and people are bowing down to me.

"Heroes always get remembered but you son are a legend and they never die"

"I've taken back the crown"

"Hail the prince of darkness"The souls chant.

I look over the underworld and realise I am a god.

Which song was it inspired by

Which song is it based on?

  • Local God

  • Emperor's New Groove

  • Build God, Then We'll Talk

  • This Is Gospel

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