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Am I Human?

I was born to be an experiment, they couldn't abduct a child, so they had their own, no birth certificate, no identity, no police would look for them because I never went to school, I was homeschooled, well if you can call it that, I knew how to fix a computer by the age of 6 by the time I reached 8 I knew how to fix a car.

They locked me in the house every day till I was 11; I felt like I was trapped in my room every day they locked all the windows and doors when they went out I tried every time from the age of 6, but I didn't understand. I would sit and watch all the other children my age play together and I wanted to join in, but every time mum said "You'll get hurt" and dad would say "We can have fun right here." That fun would be label the brain and face.

I was 11 when they took me, they drugged my dinner and locked me in the boot till we reached the hidden lab, 8 years later they are letting me go out into the world again with no support.

I walk along the side of the road the grass between my toes, I never realized what I had missed out on I run a rock hits my foot I fly into the road, I get up and notice my leg is bleeding, I'm dying. I need a doctor; I need a mum. I crawl back to the lab and then stop. What if they don't let me go again? I will be stuck again in a cell trapped. A car drives past and stops. Someone gets up and walks towards me.

"Can I help you?"

"Are you from the lab?"

"No, I work for a bank"

"What's a bank?"

"It's where people put money to keep it safe."

"I don't have any money."

"You don't?"

"They trapped me inside from the moment I was born"

"How can I help you?"

"I need to doctor. I'm dying"

He bends down and looks at my leg.

"Get in the car"

"You promise you won't take me to the lab?"

"I promise"

He heads into the back door of his car and pulls a green bag out. He takes out a cloth and wipes my knees. The blood is connected to the cloth. He grabs a brown sticker thing and places it over the cut.

"Now you don't need a doctor."

"Thanks. How did you do that?"

"I just cleaned the scrape and put a plaster on."

"Well, thank you. You saved my life."

He looks into my eyes and stops.

"Are you human?"

"Yes, well, I was when I was 11."

"How long ago was that?"

"6 years"

"I'm taking you to the police."

He guides my legs into the car, shuts the door, and heads to the wheel. He turns the keys and we move. My leg bounces onto the floor.

"I got told never to speak to the police."

"You need to."

"But they will arrest me."

"Who told you that?"

"Mum, Dad, and the other doctors"

"I never got your name sorry"


"As in bee or the letter"

"The letter I was the second patient who was ill in there."

"My name is Damon"

He pulls into a building that has yellow and blue cars parked around, He gets out and opens my door. He half guides, half pushes me into the building.

"We would like to report a crime,"

A police officer comes over I cover behind Damon. The officer looks at me and I recognize him. He came to my house when I was 6 years old asking my mum and dad if they had any children and they denied it.

"Officer, this is B,"


"She's from the lab,"

"Come with me?"

I shake my head.

"I won't hurt you."

I look at Damon and he nods his head, I stand up straight.

"Did you come to 5 Youngston Drive"

"To see Mr. and Mrs Longton, yes"

"I'm their daughter, and they did this to me."

The police station was a mess. Every officer in sight was getting into vests and getting batons and everything they could get to defend themselves. The officer I spoke to bring me a hoodie and some leggings.

"Bathrooms that way."

"Thank you."

"I'll wait right here." Damon smiles.

I walk into the bathroom and put the clothes down, The reflection isn't me in the mirror I drop to the floor and scream, scream for myself, I scream for every cut they made I scream for who I used to be , A knock comes from the door.

"B are you okay."

"B can we come in?"


Damon and the police officer walk in.

"What happened?"

"My face isn't mine,"

Damon leaves me with the officer.

"Have you not seen your face?"

"Not since I was 10"

Damon comes back with towels and places them over my reflection.

"We will leave you to get change."

I put the new clothes on and throw the lab gown in the bin. I walk out of the bathroom only the officer and Damon is there.

"They have gone to the lab."

"Is it okay if I ask you some questions?"


"We can do it here or somewhere private."


He asks me about what it was like growing up and what I did, how they got me to the lab, and what happens in the lab.

About an hour passes and the station are full of Officers holding all the doctors we put them in cells, I look around for Mum and Dad but can't see them.

Then I see them. They glare at me as they are taken to the cells. I then see all the other children from A -Z they are all looking tired.

"What will you do with the children?"

"We know a really kind adoption home, we will take them there and they will find loving new homes."

"What about you B? What are your plans?"

"I don't know, I know nothing about the real world."

"We have booked her into a hotel for a week till we figure out everything."

"She shouldn't be alone."

Damon gives me a card with a number on

"If you ever make money, let me know."

The police officer drives me to my new home for a week, then I need to figure out my life.

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