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A Night You Will Remember To The End

Well, where do I start? Let me take you back to the crash on the morning of the 6th of October 2018 the day my boyfriend died all because of a targeted crash. How do I know it was targeted? The CTV told me. He came round the corner at the same time as every other day and they smashed right into the driver's side. He was dead within seconds. The police just put it down as an enclosed case. From that day I sense that something is following me. I am a target of death.

I walk through the library and sit down open google and scroll through the deaths and suspicious activities. A shadow hovers over. I push the chair back the shadow grunt, I turn to face Daniel and Mia. I fling my arms around Daniel.

"I'm sorry, I thought"

"I was about to attack you" He finishes.

I nod

"Babe, look, today is a stressful day for you."

"I know Dan but I feel something is going to happen"

"Let's go visit him"


"I would do anything to make you feel better"

They log my computer off and guide me to the car. The quickest route is past the crash site, Dan takes a left and takes the longer route. He looks at me and smiles, and places my hand under his on the gear stick.

"God, can you two stop"

We pull into the cemetery and we walk through the history of people's lives photos, carvings and people's life possessions. Daniel and Mia stand on the path behind me as we reach the grave.I look into Daniel's eyes.

"Can I have a moment alone?"

"Of course"

"We can wait in the car"

I put my arms around him and whisper.

"Thank you"

He kisses my forehead, and they head towards the car. I kneel at Matthews' grave and feel the rough stone spelling out his name. I take my necklace off and place it over the edge of the stone and open it to show him and me on prom night wearing matching prom outfits and him proposing. I close my eyes and think about how we had planned out our future.

I feel something against my back, I open my eyes to the sun being blocked by 5 shadows.

"Stand up"

I slowly stand up , I try to look around, but the bodies block the path.

"Don't scream"

"Or even attempt to get help"

"Who are you?"

"We have been after you for years"


"You should have been in that car."

"Wait what!?"

"We have been following you since."

"But why?"

"You stole MY PROM NIGHT"

"Wait what?"

"I wanted my prom king and queen dance and you and Matthew took the spotlight"


I look around at the bodies.

"Lynn right, Brad, Micheal, Darcy, and Bee?"

"Does it matter!"

She lifts a wine bottle over her head, and it comes crashing down onto my skull. I freeze in shock. I see her lifting the bottle up again between the red liquid. I fall to the ground and close my eyes.

I hear someone grab the bottle. I hear the squeaking of glass being cleaned and then the footsteps fade. I wait a few seconds and slowly sit up; I feel around for my phone but I can't feel it, the blood keeps gushing more and more till the throbbing in my head starts I try to stand up but fall onto the grave, I struggle to stand and start down the path. My vision turns to blur I get to the floor and crawl feeling the cracks in the path, I hear a car door slam shut.

"Alex, Alex?"

The world fades to black.

"Don't leave me a..."

My senses die.I see Matthew holding out his hand.

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