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4 Letters for 4 Tresspassers

I think the best way to get the truth of what happened to my 3 best friends on the 31st of October in the Newman house is by me telling my story, not some random newspaper article.

We were heading to a Halloween party, Alex was a zombie clown, Michael was an old man with makeup scars all over his face, Riley was a beautiful witch with her orange dress that stopped just above the knees, and me a pumpkin queen with a pumpkin dress on.

When Michael saw the security light of the house flicker on and off, we headed up the creaking wooden steps to the front door. We wanted to check the light fitting hadn't broken, but then a gush of wind blew the door wide open; we looked around and stepped inside. The door smashed shut behind us. The door locked and no key was in sight. Alex and Michael took the upstairs and I and Riley took the downstairs. She grabs my hand as I guide her through the cobwebs.

In the kitchen, a cockroach crawls into the sink with crumbs of moldy bread, and a family of rats runs across the counter where 4 envelopes laid. I picked up all the envelopes and each one had one of our names scribbled on the front, I look out the window, and all I can see is the mist and fog of a Halloween night.

I call the others down when they don't come; I head up the stairs and head into the bathroom I look around and notice the shower curtain is closed; I yank the shower curtain back expecting them to jump out, but nothing, I head out the door and close it behind me I stand on the landing looking over the landing barrier at the entrance hall suddenly they both jump out of the doors either side of me,I playfully hit them. We headed downstairs and gathered around to open the letters.

Dear Alex

Do have a sweet time in the Newman house.


Dear Michael

I hope you have an electrifying adventure in the Newman house


Dear Riley

Enjoy a blazing time that you can never leave in the Newman house


Dear Jessie

Have a haunting time that will never leave you


We thought little about them so I threw them in the bin, we just thought it was some magic trick or someone playing pranks. The cockroach was creeping Riley out so she headed upstairs with Michael whilst me and Alex stayed downstairs.

I headed to the living room. Dust and cobwebs cling to the chandelier. I watch as a spider climbs through the crack in the boarded windows. A dust-free oil painting of a blonde boy about my age with a gold frame plated with "NEWMAN" engraved above the fireplace. I lifted the logs in the fireplace that crumble into ash creating soot stains all over my orange leggings.

I head back into the kitchen to see what Alex had found but Alex was completely blue in the face and laid out on the floor; I fall to his side and I can't see anything blocking his throat but his pulse is very faint, his breath struggling to escape his throat, tears form in my eyes, I blink them away I needed to show strength for him he places a sweet wrapping into my hand and then he took his final breath; I grab my phone and called for an ambulance. They said the wait time would be 4 hours, Halloween night is the worst night. I place a pillow under his head to make him more comfortable and head upstairs to find Riley and Michael.

I tell them about Alex, Riley runs downstairs and I hear a thud, I run down the stairs scared she too had died, I reach the kitchen she is leaning against the kitchen sides staring at the lifeless body, I sit next to her, she falls into my arms her whole body shaking; She kept on asking how was she meant to go home knowing he wouldn't be there and his parents would always know she was one of the last people to see him I comforted her as much as I could but I knew nothing would help, Michael doesn't come down so we let him explore.

Half an hour passed and the single light in the entry hall flickered, then the lightbulb exploded out. I get my phone torch out and we ran into the bathroom where Michael was on the floor, Michael's whole body slumped, and Riley puts her head against his chest to listen for a heartbeat but never found one. She puts him in the recovery position just in case there is a chance that the 3 of us can make it out alive. She runs into my arms scared. My torch flashes and turns off.

We split up and look for torches. I go downstairs and Riley heads to the attic; I glance into all the draws but couldn't find one then I felt heat rising down my spine. I turn round and see nothing, so I keep looking for a torch then heard Riley scream in pure terror; I rush to the stairs, flames burning the wooden stairs away; I see Riley standing there reaching for my hand. I try to get her but the flames engulf her, a ring falls at my feet. I pick it up and see her screaming face, but they form no words at the top of the landing; I watch as the flame slowly burn her like a witch at the stake. I run out the door and collapsed on the grass, and look at the ring engraved was the words "I love you". It took 2 hours for the flames to die. I could save none of them. Could I have done more?

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