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Writer's Block

"Jake!, Jake!"

Kay and Brody run around the house looking in every room they come across for even a glimpse or sound of Jake. A bird crashes against the window. Brody looks at the stairs and sees paw prints of blood that lead all the way across the landing. A drop of blood sploshes onto Brody's combed hair, Kay races upstairs. Brody notices smears all over the attic banisters.

"Kay, wait up"

His voice breaks as he chases, panicking about the worst. He looks in every room till he sees her standing at the doorway of the last room her whole body frozen still her eyes wide open.

"Kay, what is it?"

"Brody don't come any closer."

"Kay, talk to me"

He takes one step at a time closer to the door till he sees Jake. He runs over, but Kay pulls him back and points to the broken floorboards all around him. She falls into Brody's arms and lets the tears fall.


The last drop of blood leave Jake's body as Brody and Kay watch as their last friend dies. They turn around and...


Kay runs to the red room to look for Jake, but he is nowhere to be seen

"They have killed him so he won't be here again"

"What about a goodbye"

"Kay don't be like that"

"Brody she just killed my closest friend"

"Point taken"

Kay walks away and turns back to look at Brody

"You coming?"

"Where to ?"

"Get food and then leave that so-called author in a writer's block"

They head to the food truck and grab a hot dog each and then 2 black coffees. They walk side by side back to the red room and sit on the sofa as they eat they watch the author type and backspace, type, and backspace. They watch as Jake's stuff slowly turns to dust and leaves only the photos and memories. They fall asleep for an hour. When they wake up the author is acting out the scene to herself, her hair in a birdnest state.

"Okay, she has lost it. Kay?"

"Just off to buy some new clothes."

"Kay she is having a writer's meltdown."

"She caused me trauma and I need to new clothes with what she has put me through."

Brody lights up the stage himself with a garden as he paces. He walks off the stage and the author screams. Brody watches as she stands up and heads outside she walk out of the house and down the street, she heads and passes through the town like a ghost till she hits the graveyard gates. She walks up to a grave and touches the name Jake Peters.

"I'm sorry brother I can't finish your story"

A crash comes from behind Brody.

"Jake is her brother,"


She runs onto the stage and calls the police reporting the murder. The author takes a laptop from her bag and types.

Kay pulls Brody onto the stage they watch as the police look around the place. Brody's mum arrives. She falls into Kay's arms and cries.


1 Year Later


Everyone is gathered on stage around a gravestone. Kay touches the grave the stone cracks in half.


The End


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