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The Girl Who Could See The Future



Hi So how are you?

10:37- Peyton

I'm al.....

posters.My head feels like a teacup ride till finally, I am standing in a room covered in sports and music posters. I look around, and I recognize nothing around me, I look at the computer screen on 23rd February 11.23. A male strides into the room, he opens the curtains, and that's when I see him, Marcus. I wave my hand in front of his face but he doesn't seem to see me I open my mouth but no words are formed, he leaves the room I follow him down the stairs and notice I sit down on the sofa and my head is spinning.


Good, I think If you're alright


I am sorry I hit send by accident


it's alright

These conversations go on for weeks and weeks nothing interesting happens so I slowly forget about it's just the same old repeating conversations.

8th March




Hi How ar.....

The whole room is spinning and changing till my bedroom is Marcus' and I see Marcus sitting on his laptop looking at who knows what, I see the date 10th March at 15:02, i turn around and walk out of his room, head down the stairs I look around the plain living room with a rug under a very basic coffee table and red sofa I walk through into the kitchen where the heat rises I take my cardigan off and throw it onto the sofa as soon as my foot hits the kitchen the world spins back into my bedroom.

I'm sitting with my phone, A message sent half finished in shock I grab for my cardigan that is back around my shoulders.


I think you mean how are you and i'm okay how are you?


I'm all good, thanks

16:08- Marcus

Been up to much?


No not really u

I lay down and look up at my ceiling,2 days I have 2 days, 2 days till what? He turns the heating on full blast I don't know.

I get out of bed and head for a walk the streets are dark and I hold on tight to my keys as I walk through the drunk part of town. My phone dings Marcus , Leave it just leave it. I shove my phone into my pocket I walk to the top of the hill and lay on the slide looking at the stars hoping they will form an answer, but they just look blankly back at me. I stay looking at the stars as the hours tick away.

I wake up with a start. I grab my phone 3.30 Am, I still have my keys, phone, and wallet. I get up and open Marcus' messages


Do you have any plans to..

My phone shuts itself down I run through the streets and put my phone on charge, I grab some leftovers from the fridge and sit down I stuff the pizza into my mouth and place the plate onto the coffee table, I check my phone but the battery just appears red. I head up to bed and let the world fade away till 6.00 Am, I get ready for work to grab my phone which is still dead I leave it plugged.

I walk home after the 7th hour of work has ticked by and flopping onto the sofa I must have drifted off I wake up and it's pitch dark outside. I head to the kitchen and shove in a packet of minute rice and curry, I turn the tv on and switch through the channels to find music. I grab my phone





18:19- Marcus

Are you okay?

18:23 - Peyton

Good thanks.

I wash the pans up and then head back to my phone.


Any plans?


Probably baking


Sounds nice


And you?





I lock the door and power my phone off.

I wake up with heat rising. I look around and grab my phone time 5:30


Well enjoy baking

The world spins and I'm standing in his room. The clock reads 5:58, I watch as he stares at his screen. he is watching youtube I think,. I head downstairs and into the kitchen I try to grab a glass but my hand goes start through then I see it the gas hob has a spark. The window open, a paper plate blows onto the hob and sets alight. It lands on the carpet. The reads clock reads 6:06. He's going to die, I run upstairs he now has his headphones on I run around the house looking for a fire alarm smoke alarm anything but nothing is in site the clock flash-forwards to 6:45 I am engulfed by the fire. I run up and Marcus is stuck his window is locked, He is screaming and banging on the window for help but no one is helping. I stand their helpless as his clothes catch fire and burn him he falls to the ground in pain..

I stand in my room staring blankley he's dead.

I could have warned him , I could have saved him.

How would you have dealt with the sutuation

  • Texted Marcus in adcanced

  • Run out his house

  • Texted him when you read his message

  • Same as Paige

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