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Dead Of Night

I walk through the eerily cold headstones, the eyes drilling into my every step I take, daring me to step on their graves. I tread around, making sure no evidence is left. The eyes bury into me, guarding the grave of the bodies. So in the afterlife, they don't lose an arm whilst cheering with the Queen with a cup of tea.

I finally arrived at the grave with the only person I loved name engraved.


I trace every letter and reach into my bag and pull out a daisy and place it on top I stand up, a cold shiver is sent down as a statue grasps hold of my shoulder the face smiles the corners reaching the side of his face. The last breath escapes my lungs.

The stories rush through my head, death, time travel, being unborn, coma, and everything bad imaginable. I close my eyes and prepare for the world to end.

"Alex, Alex"

A voice calls me and I see her there Mia, She is the girl I love. This could mean a million things, I could be dead or hallucinating.

"Alex listen we have 3 minutes but"

"Mia, is it you?"

"Alex focus"

"But Mia I love you," Alex"

A cold hand smacks me across the face.

"Alex focus, someone is trying to kill you, you were the target, not me."

And just like that Mia faded away and I was left in the graveyard with the statues,

The world is different the statues are demons in the night they are angels protecting the ones we love and passing messages to save us.But who is after us? or me?

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